One of his latest projects was Ghostbusters III, a much-rumored and oft-delayed sequel to the beloved 1984 original. He's had enormous success relatively, but none of it has gone to his head in any way." "He's the same Harold he was 30 years ago. "He's the least changed by success of anyone I know in terms of sense of humor, of humility, sense of self," the late Second City founder Bernie Sahlins, who began working with Ramis in 1969, once told the Chicago Tribune. He was the kind of guy we all expected to grow old with. The '80s Nation has lost its share of heroes over the last few years - John Hughes, Michael Jackson - but this one really hurts.

Long before Silicon Valley turned nerds into millionaires, comedy turned Harold Ramis into an '80s hero. If his comedies seemed a little too slapstick or whacky, it was out of complete devotion to the power of a gut-busting laugh. Ramis was the good guy, the kind soul, the brain. He was surrounded by his family, the Tribune confirms. Ramis died shortly after midnight Monday in Chicago, where he had lived since 1996. He both wrote and directed Groundhog Day, the 1993 comedy that followed fellow Ghostbuster Bill Murray as he relived the same day over and over again. Beginning in the late '60s, he wrote for Second City Television, Animal House and Meatballs and directed such comedy classics as Caddyshack and National Lampoon's Vacation. ( Ghostbusters and Stripes, respectively.) For all his understated talent in front of the camera, it's behind the camera where Mr. Chances are you might not recognize his characters' name as much as you do the movies he starred in. The cause of death was complications of autoimmune inflammatory vasculitis, a disease that involves swelling of the blood vessels, according to the Chicago Tribune.Įgon Spengler. Committed to hiring recent vets on to the crew, "Stars Earn Stripes" hopes to inspire other employers throughout the country to make similar commitments to our returning heroes and show audiences just how impossible their service missions really are.Harold Ramis, one of the most beloved actors from the '80s who found success beyond the decade as a director, died early this morning at age 69. Each of the teams is competing for a cash prize on behalf of a military, veterans or first responder charity. Each will be paired with a special operative from a military branch or one of the first responder forces, who trains alongside their partner and competes in the missions with them. From helicopter drops into water to long-range weapons fire, the contestants will be tested physically, mentally and emotionally. The celebrities will gather at a remote training facility, where they will be challenged to execute complicated missions inspired by real military exercises. The star-studded cast includes four-time undefeated world boxing champion Laila Ali actor Dean Cain actor and former National Football League player Terry Crews multi-platinum recording artist, actor, producer and television personality Nick Lachey Alaska businessman and four-time Iron Dog snowmobile race champion Todd Palin "The Biggest Loser" trainer Dolvett Quince Olympic gold medalist Picabo Street and WWE Diva Eve Torres.

Armed Forces and our first responder services. Hosted by General Wesley Clark (retired) and Samantha Harris, "Stars Earn Stripes" is an action-packed competition show that pays homage to the men and women who serve in the U.S.